Results for 'A. Schenker Op'

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  1. La Loi de la divinité, le rachat des fils premiers-nés et le sens de la Pâque en Sagesse XVIII, 9.A. Schenker Op - 1996 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 70 (2):183-187.
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  2. Towards a Hierarchical Definition of Life, the Organism, and Death.Gerard A. J. M. Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):245-262.
    Despite hundreds of definitions, no consensus exists on a definition of life or on the closely related and problematic definitions of the organism and death. These problems retard practical and theoretical development in, for example, exobiology, artificial life, biology and evolution. This paper suggests improving this situation by basing definitions on a theory of a generalized particle hierarchy. This theory uses the common denominator of the “operator” for a unified ranking of both particles and organisms, from elementary particles to animals (...)
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    Y a-t-il une dimension ministérielle de la vie consacrée dans l'église?Adrian Schenker - 1995 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 69 (2):239-253.
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    Explaining the Origin of Life is not Enough for a Definition of Life.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):327-329.
    The comments focus on a presumed circular reasoning in the operator hierarchy and the necessity of understanding life’s origin for defining life. Below it is shown that its layered structure prevents the operator hierarchy from circular definitions. It is argued that the origin of life is an insufficient basis for a definition of life that includes multicellular and neural network organisms.
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    Comment: A Dominican Legacy.Fergus Kerr Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):407-408.
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  6. Le sort religieux de l'israélite à l'étranger: Implications de 1 S 26, 19.Adrian Schenker - 2013 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 93 (1):67-76.
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    Towards a hierarchical definition of life, the organism, and death.Gerard Ajm Jagers Op Akkerhuis - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (3):245-262.
  8.  18
    Extrapolating a Hierarchy of Building Block Systems Towards Future Neural Network Organisms.Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (3):171-189.
    It is possible to predict future life forms? In this paper it is argued that the answer to this question may well be positive. As a basis for predictions a rationale is used that is derived from historical data, e.g. from a hierarchical classification that ranks all building block systems, that have evolved so far. This classification is based on specific emergent properties that allow stepwise transitions, from low level building blocks to higher level ones. This paper shows how this (...)
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    A Multitude of Neural Representations Behind Multisensory “Social Norm” Processing.Felipe Pegado, Michelle H. A. Hendriks, Steffie Amelynck, Nicky Daniels, Jessica Bulthé, Haemy Lee Masson, Bart Boets & Hans Op de Beeck - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The incarnate Lord: A thomistic study in christology by Thomas Joseph white op, catholic university of America press, Washington dc, 2015, pp. XIV + 534, $65.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072):732-734.
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    The strangeness of the phaedrus.David J. Schenker - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (1):67-87.
    My focus is on the polemical and argumentative force of Plato"s characterization of Socrates in the Phaedrus. His Socrates celebrates the irrational in this dialogue, in a wide variety of forms and manifestations, in direct response to the intellectual sterility so attractive to the interlocutor Phaedrus. Only in the particular context of, e.g., the written speech of Lysias and Phaedrus" enthusiasm for it can we make sense of what Plato"s Socrates says here and of the structure of the dialogue as (...)
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    Operators, the Lego-bricks of nature: Evolutionary transitions from fermions to neural networks.Gerard A. J. M. Jagers Op Akkerhuis & Nico van Straalen - 1999 - World Futures 53 (4):329-345.
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    Thomas Aquinas and John Owen on the beatific vision: A Reply to Suzanne McDonald.Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):432-446.
    It has been shown that the thirteenth-century Dominican friar, St Thomas Aquinas, was an important theological influence on John Owen, the seventeenth-century English puritan theologian, chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, and Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, especially in the areas of the divine being, grace and Chalcedonian Christology. Suzanne McDonald has argued that, while Aquinas is unmistakably a source for Owen's doctrine of the beatific vision, Owen surpassed Aquinas's doctrine in a manner she judges to be correct, theologically speaking, and which exposes (...)
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    Wisdom has Built her House: A Theological Meditation on the Priory Church of the Holy Spirit, Oxford.Lawrence Lew Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):409-419.
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    Pavel ze Soncina a italský tomismus konce xv. století.Efrem Jindráček Op - 2009 - Studia Neoaristotelica 6 (2):247-264.
    The article offers a critical biography, description and characteristic of method, fonts and doctrine of Master Paul of Soncino († 5 August 1495), friar of the Dominican Order, in particular his Acutissimae Quaestiones Metaphysicales. The life and work of this philosopher falls within the ambit of Italian Thomism of the 15th century. Between his masters we commemorate Peter Maldura of Bergamo and Dominic of Flanders. His exposition of Aristotle’s Metaphysic proceeds from a peculiar synthesis of Arabic Commentator Averroes and Thomas (...)
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    The Trinitarian Theology of St Thomas Aquinas.Gilles Emery Op - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    A historical and systematic introduction to what the medieval philosopher and theologian Thomas Aquinas wrote about the Trinity. By focusing on the thought of one of the greatest defenders of the doctrine of the Trinity, Gilles Emery OP elucidates the classical Christian understanding of God.
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    Kenny on God.Brian Davies Op - 1982 - Philosophy 57 (219):105-.
    Anthony Kenny concludes The God of the Philosophers by saying that ‘If the argument of the previous chapters has been correct then there is no such being as the God of traditional natural theology … There cannot, if our argument has been sound, be a timeless, immutable, omniscient, omnipotent all-good being’ . According to Kenny.
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    How much can a philosopher do?Fergus Kerr, Op - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (3):321-336.
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    Žmogiškosios elgsenos imperatyvai stichinės nelaimės akivaizdoje pagal Bazilijaus Cezariečio Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis.Saulius Rumšas Op - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    The Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas: History and Mision.Abelardo Lobato Op - 2006 - Anuario Filosófico:309-327.
    A presentation of one of the most important Thomistic institutions, the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas, founded by Pope Leo XIII in 1879, and renewed in 1999 by John Paul II. The article covers the origins of the project, its long history, and its recent reform.
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    Der Intellekt ist nicht genug. Das proklische „unum in nobis“ bei Berthold von Moosburg.Paul D. Hellmeier Op - 2019 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 126 (2):202-226.
    In his commentary on the Elementatio theologica of Proclus, Berthold von Moosburg claims that the Proclean supersapientia is superior to Aristotelian metaphysics because it has a cognitive principle that is superior to the intellect. This unum in nobis also establishes a cognitive habitus, which consists in the union with the divine. This article shows how Proclean science leads to deification and to what extent it is the expression and conscious realization of deification. Examining the relationship between the “one in us” (...)
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  22.  14
    Fair Innings? Against Healthcare Rationing in Favour of the Young over the Elderly.Anthony Fisher Op - 2013 - Studies in Christian Ethics 26 (4):431-450.
    This article provides a critical appraisal of the case for healthcare being rationed away from older patients to those who are younger. After sketching a metaphysics of elderliness and reviewing clinical and economic cases for healthcare rationing, the article looks in depth at the most challenging case for age rationing known as the ‘fair innings’ case. This article rejects that case and makes an alternative case that fairness actually dictates against age rationing in favour of allocation on the basis of (...)
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    Žmogaus ir Dievo atsakomybė gamtos stichijų akivaizdoje pagal Bazilijaus Cezariečio „Homilia dicta tempore famis et siccitatis“.Saulius Rumšas Op - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 105.
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    Chaos, Language, and Logos: How the Poet Participates in the Creating Activity of the Word in the Thought of Andrey Bely.Albert Paretsky Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):465-478.
    Andrey Bely was an important member of the Russian symbolist movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This essay presents a summary of the development of his ideas regarding the origins of image and symbol in poetic language. For Bely language organizes chaos. The poet finds images in the internal world of dreams. Music has an organizing power beyond that of language, which language attempts to imitate. Under the influence of Vladimir Solovyov he looked to the union of (...)
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  25. reasonable to expect that the ultrastructure of vitrosin fibrils may differ from that of other vertebrate collagens. The vitrosin in this study has been isolated from the eyes of cattle. Native and untreated fibrils have been obtained by touching the vitreous body with copper grids coated with a carbon film. Some material has been centrifuged at. [REVIEW]Ultra3truoture Op Vltfheous Body Fibrils & B. R. Olsen - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 59.
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    (1 other version)The Veracity of Prophecy and Christ's Knowledge.Simon Francis Gaine Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072).
    It is widely assumed by scholars that Christ was in error on such matters as an expectation that the final judgement and its accompanying events would occur within the timeframe of a generation. While accepting that Christ did indeed prophesy his return within this timeframe, a recent co-authored work When the Son of Man Didn't Come aims to defend the veracity of his prophecy by drawing on the same historical-critical method that has given rise to doubts about it. The authors (...)
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    Schneider's apraxia and the strained relation between experience and description.Guy C. Van Orden & Marian A. Jansen op de Haar - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):247-259.
    Borrett, Kelly and Kwan [ Phenomenology, dynamical neural networks and brain function, Philosophical Psychology, 13, 000-000] claim that unbiased, self-evident, direct description is possible, and may supply the data that brain theories account for. Merleau-Ponty's [ Phenomenology of perception, London: Routledge] description of Schneider's apraxia is offered as a case in point. According to the authors, Schneider's apraxia justifies brain components of predicative and pre-predicative experience. The description derives from a bias, however, that parallels modularity's morphological reduction. The presence of (...)
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    Op zoek naar Ware ervaring.A. Peperzak - 1964 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 26 (4):607 - 621.
    Cet article essaie de définir la phénoménologie comme une recherche du „phénomène vrai” (Aristote), dans lequel s'identifient expérience et vérité. I. Par une réflexion sur le perspectivisme inhérent à toute perception, on conclue à l'impossibilité d'une description pure et neutre. Le „monde de la perception” précédant toute interprétation n'est qu'un moment abstrait de l'expérience totale, dont nulle méthode ne peut l'isoler comme s'il était quelque chose de concret. Une phénoménologie, qui, par sa description, veut séparer ce moment abstrait du tout (...)
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    Secularism, catholicism and the future of public life. A dialogue with ambassador Douglas W. Kmiec edited by Gary J. Adler, jr, oxford university press, new York, 2015 pp. XVI + 265, £ 19.99, pbk. [REVIEW]Richard Steenvoorde Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072):744-746.
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  30. Stumping Freedom: Divine Causality and the Will.James Dominic Rooney, Op - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1066):711-722.
    The problems with grace and free will have prompted long-standing theological conflicts, chiefly revolving around certain disagreements over the nature of divine causality in respect to the free will's of creatures and His foreknowledge of free acts. Eleonore Stump offers a new interpretation of divine action on the will that holds God only acts by way of formal causality and that human cooperation with grace is only by way of "quiescence." I argue that this account lacks coherence in certain important (...)
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  31. (1 other version)The Fourth Friend: Poetry in a Time of Affliction.Op Paul Murray - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8 (3).
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    Dynamics of difference: Christianity and alterity. A festschrift for Werner G. Jeanrond edited by Ulrich schmiedel and James M. matarazzo jr., bloomsbury t&t Clark, London, 2015, pp. XV + 310, £80.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Oliver James Keenan Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1070):514-517.
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    Reconsidering the Place of Teleological Arguments for the Existence of God in the Light of the ID/Evolution Controversy.Op Rooney - 2009 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 83:227-240.
    Prompted by questions raised in the public arena concerning the validity of arguments for the existence of God based on “design” in the universe, I explore a traditional teleological argument for the existence of God. Using the arguments offered by Thomas Aquinas as fairly representative of this classical line of argumentation going back to Aristotle, I attempt to uncover the hidden premises and construct arguments for the existence of God which are deductive in nature. To justify the premises of Aquinas’s (...)
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  34. El catecismo y la pena de muerte.Op Niceto Blazquez - 1993 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 33 (2):205-235.
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    Ethics as a work of charity. Thomas Aquinas and pagan virtue by David decosimo, Stanford university press, Stanford, 2014, pp. XIII + 354, $65.00, hbk. [REVIEW]John D. O'connor Op - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1071):647-649.
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    Going after the bigger picture: Using high-capacity models to understand mind and brain.Hans Op de Beeck & Stefania Bracci - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e404.
    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide a unique opportunity to move towards a generic modelling framework in psychology. The high representational capacity of these models combined with the possibility for further extensions has already allowed us to investigate the forest, namely the complex landscape of representations and processes that underlie human cognition, without forgetting about the trees, which include individual psychological phenomena.
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  37. Approaches to a Christian philosophy.Germain Grisez, Reverend Benedict M. Ashley & Op Dietrich von Hildebrand - 1966 - In George F. McLean (ed.), Christian philosophy in the college and seminary. Washington,: Catholic University of America Press.
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    Evidence for evolutionary specialization in human limbic structures.Nicole Barger, Kari L. Hanson, Kate Teffer, Natalie M. Schenker-Ahmed & Katerina Semendeferi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:87910.
    Increasingly, functional and evolutionary research has highlighted the important contribution emotion processing makes to complex human social cognition. As such, it may be asked whether neural structures involved in emotion processing, commonly referred to as limbic structures, have been impacted in human brain evolution. To address this question, we performed an extensive evolutionary analysis of multiple limbic structures using modern phylogenetic tools. For this analysis, we combined new volumetric data for the hominoid (human and ape) amygdala and 4 amygdaloid nuclei, (...)
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    Marketing the Research Missions of Academic Medical Centers: Why Messages Blurring Lines Between Clinical Care and Research Are Bad for both Business and Ethics.Mark Yarborough, Timothy Houk, Sarah Tinker Perrault, Yael Schenker & Richard R. Sharp - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (3):468-475.
    :Academic Medical Centers offer patient care and perform research. Increasingly, AMCs advertise to the public in order to garner income that can support these dual missions. In what follows, we raise concerns about the ways that advertising blurs important distinctions between them. Such blurring is detrimental to AMC efforts to fulfill critically important ethical responsibilities pertaining both to science communication and clinical research, because marketing campaigns can employ hype that weakens research integrity and contributes to therapeutic misconception and misestimation, undermining (...)
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    (1 other version)Representability op recursively enumerable sets in formal theories.A. Ehrenfeucht & S. Feferman - 1960 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 5 (1-2):37-41.
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    Briefwisseling: Naar aanleiding Van „op zoek naar de Ware ervaring”.A. Peperzak & D. M. De Petter - 1964 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 26 (4):622-626.
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    Virtual meeting rooms: from observation to simulation.Dennis Reidsma, Rieks op den Akker, Rutger Rienks, Ronald Poppe, Anton Nijholt, Dirk Heylen & Job Zwiers - 2007 - AI and Society 22 (2):133-144.
    Much working time is spent in meetings and, as a consequence, meetings have become the subject of multidisciplinary research. Virtual Meeting Rooms (VMRs) are 3D virtual replicas of meeting rooms, where various modalities such as speech, gaze, distance, gestures and facial expressions can be controlled. This allows VMRs to be used to improve remote meeting participation, to visualize multimedia data and as an instrument for research into social interaction in meetings. This paper describes how these three uses can be realized (...)
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  43.  30
    Devotional Hindī Literature: A Critical Edition of the Pañc-Vāṇī or Five Works of Dādū, Kabīr, Nāmdev, Raidās, Hardās with the Hindī Songs of Gorakhnāth and Sundardās, and a Complete Word-IndexDevotional Hindi Literature: A Critical Edition of the Panc-Vani or Five Works of Dadu, Kabir, Namdev, Raidas, Hardas with the Hindi Songs of Gorakhnath and Sundardas, and a Complete Word-Index.Alan W. Entwistle, Winand M. Callewaert, Bart Op de Beeck, Dādū, Kabīr, Nāmdev, Raidās, Hardās, Gorakhnāth, Sundardās, Dadu, Kabir, Namdev, Raidas, Hardas, Gorakhnath & Sundardas - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (4):609.
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    Op Art. [REVIEW]A. P. Johnston - 1971 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 20:341-344.
    Op Art contains nine chapters of commentary and of philosophical reflections on Op works. In addition it includes an adequate selection of reproductions, diagrams and illustrations. It is admirably produced and contains a short bibliography and a useful index.
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  45. El entretien de M. Pascal et M. de sacy: Historia Del texto, hipótesis sobre su composición Y prespectivas de investigación.Op Felipe Trigueros Buena - 2009 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 49 (3):375-422.
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    James A. Weisheipl, OP (1923-1984).Armand Maurer - 1985 - Mediaeval Studies 47 (1):xii-xix.
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    Auditory cortex extraction of attended speech envelope in a multi-talker background.Vander Ghinst Marc, Bourguignon Mathieu, Op De Beeck Marc, Wens Vincent, Marty Brice, Hassid Sergio, Choufani Georges, Jousmäki Veikko, Hari Riitta, Van Bogaert Patrick, Goldman Serge & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  48. Periodic solutiohs op systems op differehtial equations with a sma1i parameter in the derivatives fear to discohtihtjous ores.A. B. Vasll'eva & V. A. Tupchiev - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 4--273.
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    21-Segi ChinbojuŭI PosujuŭI ChŏNgch'i Ch'ŏRhak: ChŏNgch'ijŏK OlbarŭM Munhwa ChŏNjaeng Chwap'a Up'a P'op'yullijŭM.Yang-hyŏn T'ak - 2020 - Sŏul-si: Pubple.
    1. Chŏngch'ijŏk olbarŭm (Political correctness, PC) -- 2. Miguk chŏngsin ŭi chongmal (The Closing of the American Mind) -- 3. Munhwa chŏnjaeng (Culture war) -- 4. Chwap'a chŏngch'i (Left-wing politics) -- 5. Up'a chŏngch'i (Right-wing politics) -- 6. Chinbojuŭi (Progressivism) -- 7. Posujuŭi (Conservatism) -- 8. Taejungjuŭi (Populism).
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    Performance, grouping and schenkerian alternative Readings in some passages from beethoven's'lebewohl' sonata.Alan Dodson - 2008 - Music Analysis 27 (1):107-134.
    It is proposed that one musically interesting way to characterise and compare different performances or recordings of the same piece is by correlating them with different Schenkerian interpretations through the medium of grouping. This approach is demonstrated through an examination of four 'either/or' passages from the first movement of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E Major, Op. 81a, passages in which at least two Schenkerian interpretations are possible. Schenker's own published and unpublished sketches, among others, are considered alongside recordings by (...)
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